Below you will find various resources created by Santolina Consulting in our journeys with clients and colleagues to find ways to do work differently.
These are property of Santolina Consulting and may be used to support your work; however, please keep our name and logo on the resource and cite us if you are using this in a presentation or publication. Each resource will have an example of an APA style citation for the resource for you to utilize.
Experience of Harm Assessment
We developed The Experience of Harm Assessment tool in collaboration with Geneece Goertzen-Morrison for her book Taking It Seriously: A Faith Leader’s Guide to Domestic Violence.
How to Use This Tool
We built the assessment on the understanding that harmful actions towards others come from attitudes shaped by specific beliefs/worldviews about others. Usually these beliefs are that others are less – intelligent, worthy of respect, human. These beliefs, attitudes, and actions grow in intensity as the image radiates out depicting the severity of the type of harm.
To best utilize this assessment, download and print a copy and color in the sections of harm as one assesses the intensity of that type of harm on that day/week/month.
Then after some time, complete the assessment again. Compare and contrast the images, exploring how types of harm fluctuate over time and how persons causing harm utilize different types of harm to control another person.
Download PDF Version | PNG Version
How to Cite This Resource
Holsomback, S. (2023). Experience of Harm Assessment [Image]. Santolina Consulting, Day Month Year,